Home will return you to this page.
Teune Origins will take you to a page on the Teune's origins in Europe.
It contains information going back to the 1400s as well as immigration records of the first Teunes of our
branch to come to America.
American Teunes shows you information and pictures regarding the Teune family branches that immigrated to America.
Teunes Today has pictures and information on the current generation of Teunes and where they are
including famous Teunes and Teunes on the web.
Photo Albums takes you to a growing collection of old Dutch immigrant and Teune pictures contributed
by other Teune relatives. If you have any old pictures, please scan them in and email them to me, thanks.
About Ed Teune is a page about my little branch of the Teune family that I have started here in suburban Chicago.
It contains info and pics about me, my wife and our first son, James.
is simply a link that should pop up your email client to email me.
Message Board/Guestbook is a great new
feature where you can post messages, pictures and respond to posts to create dynamic content on the Teune.com site yourself.

History of Teune.com website.
The history of the origins of the Teune family is actually quite a bit more interesting and also longer than
I had ever imagined when I began to look into it several years ago. I had heard some rumors about where our family
came from and some relatives had done some initial legwork to at least get the family tree as far back as my
greatgrandfather, but then no one was certain and no one had any documentation, etc.
Then came my son James in 2002. I began to have a sense that I was part of a line of people that was continuing
with James. I was no longer just a descendent but was now passing something on to my child, and would one day
become an ancestor as well. His birth made me more interested in knowing where I came from.
Being a web developer and general internet information junkie from the mid 90's when the WWW began, I of course
began to search on the Internet. When I found Herma Teune's site,
I was amazed at the information she had, but was
not ready to beleive that someone actually knew where my family came from as far back as the 1700s. I was excited but also sceptical
since I had been told that my greatgrandfather was an orphan. But after corresponding with Herma and going into microfilm
copies of the actual birth and death records from the Netherlands I was able to find documentation to confirm
what Herma has on her web site. Some of this documentation can be found in the message board on this site. Herma, of course
has already researched the actual documents in the Netherlands, but I had to see the records for myself to believe.
Of course, I just enjoy making web pages anyway and also have fun sharing pictures with friends
and family of all the interesting places my wife and I have been. So in early April, 2002 I was able to finally
purchase the Teune.com domain name. I tried to earlier but a now-defunct hispanic portal Te-Une.com had bought it
and was just sitting on it as they had run out of money during the tech bust. So as soon as their subscription ran
out I snatched it up.