In this photo album section I will begin to try and meaningfully display the many pictures of family past and present that I have collected electronic copies of.
Thanks to the many family members who have contributed.
Please scan in your old family pictures and email them to me at

These are the Schutts and their farm. Looks like they are loading up their wagon with produce to bring to market. I believe that this farm was actually inside the Chicago city limits or near west suburbs at the time. Photo courtesy Grace Decker.

A class shot of a Dutch christian school on the old west side neighborhood. My uncle Herman Decker is the second from the left in the back row.

One of the places that grandpa Decker worked, I believe.

Here is another class picture, this time of my aunt Grace Decker's class. She is the third back in the right hand row.

The title and description of the picture is right there.

If you know any more details about the people or events listed on this page, contact America's Most Wanted, uhm, I mean, email me ( or sign my guest book and leave a message there, thanks.