I would greatly prefer that you donate pictures for me to scan in that we can share with everyone on the site (I always return your photos, I just want electronic copies for the site). Or even share stories or family information in the message board. That is the best way to donate by far. This site only exists because you generously shared Teune family photos and Teune family information.
But if you feel like helping defray the costs of maintaining the teune.com domain name, website, email accounts and subdomain redirects, feel
free to throw a penny or two into my paypal account.

You will have to sign up for a paypal account if you don't already have one, but it is free and secure. I maintain the site on my own spare time and pocket change and will always do so, but I thought I would leave this option open to any undiscovered wealthy and generous relatives who may want to pitch in.

Ed Teune